Backpain Relief

Cure Backpain

Latest scientific research on techniques to cure backpain

A recent (January 2009) centre spread article in the English national newspaper - The Daily Mail - looked at a survey of treatment methods for lower back pain which has just been published by Professor Christopher Maher of the University of Sydney, Australia.

Professor Maher's team looked at more than 30 different treatments for lower back pain in cases where there was no obvious physical cause.  The treatments were relatively small scale in the number of patients treated and generally followed the standard practice of randomly selecting patients in each test for the 'real' treatment or for a 'placebo'  (a harmless therapy such as a sugar pill).

The results showed no obvious winners or losers and the patients receiving a placebo often showed similar levels of pain relief.  This may be down to the fact that the body will always try to cure itself, but also that patients may have responded to medical reassurance and relaxation.

Inters tingly, results had little to do with the cost of treatment - low cost techniques were were in many cases more effective than far more expensive treatments. Also, many of the older remedies seemed equally effective.  No surprise there really since practices which have been around for hundreds of years are likely to have some basis in fact.

  • Of the techniques which are available - across the counter - the most effective were:
  1. Heat wrap therapy. Half of all patients showed a reduction of pain or improvement within 24 hours.
  2. Tens machine. Test indicated an immediate impact on pain intensity but little impact on long-term pain.
  3. Back Schools.  Showed a modest improvement in short and medium term pain and body mobility.
  4. Massage. Particularly when combined with exercise.  Acupressure or pressure-point massage seemed more effective than traditional Swedish massage.
  5. Herbal medicine. There is no real understanding of how herbal medicines may work but some indication that Devil's Claw (harpagophytum procumbens) was more effective than placebo tests.

The other methods which were considered effective to cure backpain were generally those available by medical referral.

Of the less effective or ineffective therapies only:

  1. Aspirin, Ibuprofen and other NSAIDS (non-steroidal anti-inflamatories) showed some benefit in reducing the effects of lower back pain.
  2. Acupuncture. Often showed limited short-term pain relief although Professor Maher reported a wide range of effects, from moderate to zero.

Were rated as having a small benefit.  Most others, including:

  1. Magnetic therapy.
  2. Spinal manipulation therapy.
  3. Antidepressants.
  4. Shortwave diathermy.
  5. Adenosine Triphospate (ATP).

Were generally found to be ineffective or of very limited value.

So, there is still no cure for lower back pain but some methods of pain relief are far more effective than others and some are probably a waste of time and money.  Interest, both the simple and traditional heat pad treatment which we personally advocate, and the modern equivalent (the TENS machine) of traditional Chinese acupuncture, were shown to be both the quickest and most cost effective treatments.

As always, Your lower back pain is unique to you.  There is no cure-all therapy and as we have always been keen to stress, what works for one person may not work - or indeed may be dangerous - for another.  If your pain persists for more than a few days you should consult with your GP.  And you should always discuss with your GP before starting any treatment with which you are unfamiliar.

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